SFG Successful Deal

Acquisition Financing for Vacation Rental Cottage

The experienced, well-qualified borrower was planning to develop a portfolio of San Diego beach-area vacation rentals. This initial acquisition was a small, older cottage in need of updating, but it was an important beginning to a well thought-out strategy. It was a small loan for Seattle Funding Group of California, but a big step toward implementing the borrower’s vacation rental plan. SFG was there to provide the acquisition financing and support the borrower’s ambitions.

In an update to this Success Story, the borrower quickly remodeled and refurnished the cottage, and she has added several more beach area properties to her growing portfolio and firm, Luv Surf. Luv Surf continues to grow into the high quality, beach-area, vacation rental firm originally envisioned. SFG wishes Luv Surf every continued success and has appreciated the opportunity to be there from the onset.

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